20 juillet 2006

I had insomnia... so I wrote

A maze of darkened corridors,
I see your shadow in the archway.
I run to                  nothing.
My hands caress the cold stone.
I hear your voice
turning in circles
try to call to you.
Silent words pass through lips and
bounce off the ceiling, leaving
empty as before.
Your hand on my shoulder.
I grasp it before you disappear.
Looking back to find
fade and the hand in mine                  [mist] shadow.

12 juillet 2006

A Couple New Ones

To You

This is for you
                              (to you)
               Wherever you are…
Did I ever tell you?                              Yes, I did.
You just weren’t there when
I admitted it.
               (My heart pounds – BAM! BAM!)
Listen to me when I’m (not) speaking!
Roaring as I pour
my heart out to you :
Sahara silence.

Freedom/I Can't Tell You

The 4th of July
Red white and ? the blue-grey storm
                              free country! – it’s free to rain.
(We dance the dance)
What                              are you thinking?
               We’re lucky
               to live
               so freely.
What                              are you doing?
               Counting raindrops
               (in my own world)
What                              did you say?
I’m free to think
I’m free to do
I’m free to say
You’re free to be amazed at
               what's beneath all my