(I'm very behind, I know)
He sat across from me on the subway car drumming gently on the tops of his thighs and bobbing his head every so slightly causing his shoulder length dreadlocks to sway gently, hypnotically.
She made the bed with hospital corners, used a ruler to space the jars on her kitchen counter, and was absolutely out of control in all the areas of her life that actually mattered.
I suppose you could describe his personality as taupe.
My father was a lawyer, and his father before him, and his father before him and I just want to be a drag queen.
The twins had developed their own language as toddlers, but unlike many twins, they still used it now in their late 20s.
"Where were you last night?" I practised asking the question in the mirror, trying to sound casual and maybe borderline flippant. Like I really didn't care. Like it didn't bother me that I had waited and waited for her to come home. Like I hadn't stayed up pacing the kitchen until 1 in the morning. Like I hadn't gone to bed and just stared at the digital clock as it slowly ticked away the minutes until the sun rose. Like I wasn't simultaneously angry and worried.
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