29 décembre 2008


(I feel like with Christmas just passed and having been to a beautiful wedding yesterday I should be writing something sweet and touching and very feel good, but those can be hard to write without sounding overly sappy. So that is in the works and this will have to tide over this blog for now as I attempt to keep my goal of posting at least every three days. Originally I had "insatiable appetite" and I can't decide if I like "voracious" better or not. So if you read this, please vote.)


My hands tremble slightly as I grip the pen tighter.
Distracting – this infatuation. I am ravenous --
voracious appetite. I cannot quell my cravings.
Shower water flows over me; I luxuriate in the sensation,
momentarily free from my yen, but I remain cautious.
The hunger is potent – it will return.
Stirring my dinner and I cannot ignore the enticing silence.
Irreverent I sit, savoring the opulence of my fantasies.
Intriguing temptations meander through my mind.
I lie in bed, awaiting the delectable sweet salve of sleep.
Luscious ideas linger, torturous in their succulence.
Can I be saved from this depravity?
Perhaps I’ll simply indulge it.

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